Significant collections of archives and manuscripts relating to Charles Joseph La Trobe are held in the following organisations:
Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria
Charles Joseph La Trobe in the State Library: a bibliography
The Charles Joseph La Trobe Archive: an Overview
Index to the Gipps-La Trobe correspondence
Archives de l’Etat, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
A copy of most of the original papers relating to the La Trobe family is held in the Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library Victoria. Link to Archives de l’Etat, Neuchâtel
Public Record Office, Victoria
VPRS 4 Inward Registered Correspondence – Police Magistrate, Port Phillip District
_____ Folder No: 91 1839/188 C. J. La Trobe Minute Book & Diary from 1 Oct to Nov 1839. Transcript
VPRS 10 Inward Registered Correspondence to the Superintendent of Port Phillip District, relating to Aboriginal Affairs Guide
VPRS 19 Inward Registered Correspondence – Superintendent, Port Phillip District
VPRS 19 INDEX Royal Historical Society of Victoria (Search ‘Latrobe’ as one word)
VPRS 20 Inward Registered Confidential Correspondence – Superintendent, Port Phillip District
VPRS 1189 Inward Registered Correspondence – Colonial Secretary’s Office
Other series Timeline through letters Transcripts
Royal Historical Society of Victoria Miscellaneous papers re La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801-1875); letters and other items throughout the Manuscript Collection. La Trobe letters
State Archives Collection, New South Wales
Catalogue Superintendent of the Port Phillip District
The National Archives (formerly Public Record Office) U.K.
A copy of records relating to Australia and the Pacific, published by the Australian Joint Copying Project (and held in State Library Victoria on microfilm) is currently being digitised.
PRO series Miscellaneous series The National Archives
University of Melbourne Archives
Graham Bros & Co. records Finding aid La Trobe manuscripts (incl. C.A. La Trobe)
University of Melbourne, Trinity College, Leeper Library
Rusden manuscripts La Trobe letters
For further details on archives and manuscripts refer to:
Reilly, Dianne. La Trobe: the Making of a Governor. Melbourne University Publishing, 2006. Bibliography: archives and manuscripts, pp.268-270.
McCaughey, J. Davis, Naomi Perkins and Angus Trumble. Victoria’s Colonial Governors, 1839-1900. Carlton, Vic., The Miegunyah Press, 1993. Archival collections, pp.333-422.