Articles to 2010 may contain some scanning errors
Alsop, Peter, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and Geelong’, Vol 4, No 1, April 2006, 7-9.
Anderson, Margaret, ‘Victoria’s First Bushrangers: a rousing tale of colonial times’, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 31-37.
Anderson, Megan, ‘Extravagance, Tradition and Power: an exploration of Lieutenant-Governor Charles Joseph La Trobe’s uniform’, Vol 20, No 3, November 2021, 5-14.
Annear, Robyn, ‘Forty Thousand Bags of Gold Dust: La Trobe and the gold licence’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 43-47.
Armstrong, Helen, ‘Celebrating Charles Joseph La Trobe (1801‑1875): a research report’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 25-29.
_____ ‘“Driving S. in my Drag”: glimpses of La Trobe’s carriage’ – a research report, Vol 20, No 1, March 2021, 45-49.
_____ ‘Charles La Trobe’s Sketch of Chicago: a research report’, Vol 10, No 2, June 2011, 46-47.
_____ ‘Georgiana’s Journal: a research note’, Vol 20, No 3, November 2021, 44-45.
_____ ‘La Trobe Artworks’ – National Trust folios in online collections database, Vol 23, No 1, March 2024, 28.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Family in New Zealand’- research report, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 43-44.
_____ ‘A La Trobe map’ – research report, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 43-44.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Song: a research report’, Vol 13, No 2, July 2014, 25-26.
_____ ‘The Latrobe/La Trobe Family Name’ – research report (with Dianne Reilly), Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 31-32.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Publications on the web’ – report, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 47.
_____ ‘Model of La Trobe’s Cottage: a research report’, Vol 9, No 2, July 2010, 23-24. (Erratum, Vol 9, No 3, November 2010, 43)
_____ ‘Mr La Trobe and Miss Drysdale: a research note’, Vol 12, No 1, March 2013, 23-24.
_____ ‘On William’s First Tooth: a poem by Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 42-43.
_____ ‘Portraits of the Reverend Benjamin La Trobe and Christian Ignatius La Trobe’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 43-44. Update Vol 23, No 1, March 2024, 29.
_____ ‘Villa La Trobe: a rural residence – research report’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 43-46.
Badger, Jim, ‘’The La Trobes came in their Jaunting Car’: Keeping a Carriage in the Age of La Trobe’, Vol 8, No 3, November 2009, 11-20.
Bantow, Jennifer, ‘Restoration of Charlotte Pellet’s Grave’ – report, Vol 8, No 1, March 2009,19-25.
_____ ‘Two Employees of Charles Joseph and Sophie La Trobe: a research report’, Vol 9, No 1, February 2010, 34-35.
Barnes, John, ‘’Farmer La Trobe’ at Clapham House’- and elsewhere in England (with Christopher Metcalfe), Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 24-28.
_____ ‘In Search of La Trobe’, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 5-11.
_____ ‘La Trobe: a prologue to his Melbourne years’, Vol 13, No 2, July 2014, 6-13.
_____ ‘La Trobe and Georgiana McCrae: fact and fiction’, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 16-21.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Gold Nugget’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 19-21.
_____ ‘A Moravian “Among the Heathen”: La Trobe and the Aboriginal People’, Vol 16, No 1, March 2017, 14-24.
_____ ‘A Travel Note – La Trobe’s Grave’ and Clapham House, Vol 2, No 3, November 2004, 7-8.
Ben Bolt, ‘A New Version of Ben Bolt’ – satirical poem, 1856. Vol 8, No 1, March 2009, 17.
Black, Maggie, ‘‘Quietly Slaughtered in Unknown Numbers’: the contemporary witness of Niel Black to the clash between settlers and Aboriginal people, 1839-1842’, Vol 17, No 1, March 2018, 17-26.
Blackwood, Lynn, ‘The Contribution of Ronald Gunn to our Knowledge of the Flora and Fauna of Tasmania’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 30-36.
Blake, L B J, ‘Unveiling of a Commemorative Plaque at Geelong’ (1975), covering La Trobe’s associations with early Geelong; organised by the La Trobe Centenary Commemoration Committee, Vol 5, No 1, August 2006, 12-16.
Botham, Helen, ‘C J La Trobe: Jolimont Plantsman’, Vol 21, No 1, March 2022, 6-18. Botanical specimens Video
_____ ‘Celebrating La Trobe the Artist at Ightham Mote’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 50-51.
_____ ‘Edward La Trobe Bateman and Kolor’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 37-39.
_____ ‘The La Trobes’ Music’ – report, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 40-42.
_____ ‘My Australian Home: A Walk around La Trobe’s Jolimont Garden’, Vol 3, No 1, May 2005, 2-3. Flyer
_____ ‘A Pilgrimage to La Trobe Sites in Switzerland’, Vol 23, No 2, July 2024, 15-27. Video
_____ ‘Remembering Charles Joseph La Trobe at St Michael the Archangel, Litlington’, Vol 12, No 1, March 2013, 28-30.
_____ ‘Remembering La Trobe in Litlington and East Melbourne’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 41.
_____ ‘Remembering the Litlington Commemoration 1951’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 49-50.
_____ ‘Renewed Interest in La Trobe’s Cottage’, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 12.
_____ ‘Visit of Mrs Phyllis Murphy to La Trobe’s Cottage’, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 32-33.
Botham, John, ‘The Charles Joseph La Trobe Coat of Arms’ – research report, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 29-30.
_____ ‘Captain “Old King” Cole: Port Phillip pioneer to Victorian patriarch’, Vol 16, No 3, November 2017, 28-38.
_____ ‘The Golden Age: La Trobe’s journey home’, Vol 22, No 3, November 2023, 5-16.
_____ ‘The Good Old Rajah: and those who sailed in her’, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 31-42.
_____ ‘The Lady of St Kilda: a link between the Outer Hebrides and the Antipodes’, Vol 21, No 3, November 2022, 5-13.
_____‘Schloss Oberhofen: where the La Trobes were always much loved guests’, Vol 23, No 2, July 2024, 28-35.
_____ ‘The Superintendent’s Superhighway’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 43-44.
Bowie, Michael, ‘Remembering Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 6-7.
Bowman, Margaret, ‘Educating Agnes: Agnes La Trobe and two of her teachers’, Vol 15, No 1, March 2016, 14-19. Podcast
_____ ‘Elizabeth Douglass’s Scrapbook’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 40-45.
_____ ‘Portrait of the Artist as a young Settler: George Alexander Gilbert’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 15-23.
Breward, Ian, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe in Melbourne and his Moravian Heritage’, Vol 10, No 1, February 2011, 19-24.
Broome, Richard, ‘Charles La Trobe and the Modern World; Making sense of the gold rush’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 17-24.
_____ ‘Charles La Trobe’s View of Nature’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 9-18.
Burdon, Jonathan, ‘Medicine in Melbourne in the time of La Trobe’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 14-23.
Cahir, Fred, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and his administration of the Wadawurrung, 1839-1853’, Vol 17, No 1, March 2018, 5-16.
Caldow, Wayne, ‘Perceptions of Place: the Exploration and Settlement of Gippsland, 1839-1844’. ‘La Trobe Society Fellowship – Interim Report’, Vol 8, No 1, March 2009, 11-13. Article.
Carmody, Shane, ‘Charles La Trobe and the Uneasy Class’, Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 33-36.
_____ ‘The Naked Saint: Sir Edgar Boehm’s St George and the Dragon’, Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 15-24.
_____ ‘Noted Donations to the Melbourne Public Library’, Vol 23, No 3, November 2024, 6-16.
_____ ‘The Remarkable Library of Bishop Goold: its creation, loss and rediscovery’, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 23-31.
Chambers, Loreen, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe at Addington Vale, 1856-1857: a year of hope?’, Vol 17, No 3, November 2018, 45-53.
_____ ‘Ightham Mote and Litlington Parish Church revisited’, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 38-40.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Other Club: a research note’ – Athenaeum Club of London, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 35-37. Article
_____ ‘The Letters of Charles Joseph La Trobe: a review’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 47-49.
_____ ‘The Letters of Sophie La Trobe 1845‑1853’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 49.
_____ ‘The Litlington Pleasure Gardens and Frederick Russell in the time of Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 15, No 1, March 2016, 28-36.
_____ ‘Litlington’s Church of St Michael the Archangel and its Rector in La Trobe’s time’, Vol 12,
No 1, March 2013, 31-38.
_____ ‘The Long Farewell, by Don Charlwood: a book review’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 42-45.
_____ ‘Memorial Services for Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 46-47.
_____ ‘Not the Usual Pioneer: “Parson Bean”, his little Gothic Church and Gippsland 1849-1859’, Vol 18, No 2, July 2019, 24-34.
_____ ‘“The Parson’s Wife”: In search of Harriet Bean, daughter of Empire’, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 21-29.
_____ ‘Pioneer Service St James’ Old Cathedral’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 44-45.
_____ ‘Whitbourne and Whitbourne Court 1858-1866’ (with Kate Lack), Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 15-27.
Christie, Robert, ‘Angus McMillan: a convenient scapegoat’ – for massacres in Gippsland, Vol 22, No 2, July 2023, 36-48.
_____ ‘Edward Jones Brewster: La Trobe’s bungling lawyer’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 29-35.
_____ ‘The Moravian Village of Gracehill, Northern Ireland: the La Trobes and an Australian connection’, Vol 20, No 3, November 2021, 34-43.
_____ ‘UNESCO World Heritage listing for Northern Ireland Moravian settlement’, Vol 24, No 1, March 2025, 28-30.
Clark, Ian D., ‘Aboriginal People and Frontier Violence: the letters of Richard Hanmer Bunbury to his father, 1841-1847’, Vol 16, No 1, March 2017, 25-40.
_____ ‘A Fascination with Bunyips: Bunbury, La Trobe, Wathen and the Djab Wurrung people of Western Victoria’, Vol 17, No 1, March 2018, 27-39.
_____ ‘From Amiability to Acrimony: William Le Souëf and his relationships with George Augustus Robinson and Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 22-32.
Clemente, Caroline, ‘La Trobe and the Pre-Raphaelites: launching a brilliant career in Melbourne, 1853’. Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 27-34.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Summer: Diversions, Excursions and Seasonal Celebrations’, Vol 6, No 2, July 2007, 10-15.
_____ ‘The Seeding of Melbourne’s Cultural Capital’, Vol 9, No 3, November 2010, 22-34.
Cohn, Helen, ‘Grevillea latrobei’, Vol 2, No 2, June 2004, 5-7.
Colville, Berres Hoddle, ‘Robert Hoddle – Pioneer Surveyor, 1794-1881’, Vol 2, No 3, November 2004, 5-7.
Connor, Margaret, ‘The Brontë Connection’, Vol 1, No 5, November 2003, 9-12.
_____ ’James La Trobe and James Connor’, Vol 1, No 5, November 2003, 12.
Cooke, Glenn R, ‘A Presentation Vase [1864]: a research report’- rococo-revival silver vase believed to have been presented to Charles Joseph La Trobe, held Queensland Art Gallery, Vol 9, No 2, July 2010, 25-27.
Corlett, Peter, ‘Australian Light Horse Sculpture – Be’er Sheva, Israel’, Vol 7, No 2, August 2008, 20-21.
Darragh, Thomas, ‘Ferdinand Mueller and Charles La Trobe’: ‘So many Signs of Benevolence and Favour’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 25-29. (Reprint of 2004 article)
_____ ‘Ferdinand Mueller and Charles La Trobe’, , 1-5.
Davison, Graeme, ‘The Governor, the Captain and the Needlewomen: how my great-great grandmother arrived in Port Phillip’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 17-23.
De Serville, Paul, ‘The Melbourne Club: its early years’, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 30-34.
Dessau, Linda AC, ‘La Trobe: then and now’ – the La Trobe Oration, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 5-14.
Down, Geoffrey, ‘Sir James Frederick Palmer (1803-1871)’, Vol 2, No 1, February 2004, 5-8.
Dunstan, David, ‘Charles and Sophie La Trobe and the Vignerons: the Birth of an Industry in nineteenth century Victoria’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 10, No 2, June 2011, 7-18.
Dwyer, John, ‘C. J. La Trobe’s Medicine Chest’, Vol 9, No 1, February 2010, 18-31. Additional link
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe as a Romantic’, Vol 21, No 1, March 2022, 19-28.
_____ ‘William Swainson: La Trobe’s other botanical appointment‘, Vol 19, No 3, November 2020, 26-36.
Edquist, Harriet, ‘The Other La Trobe: E L Bateman at the Melbourne Public Library, 1860‑1866’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 6-12.
Finlay, Lorraine, ‘The Baxters of Carrup Carrup’, Vol 22, No 2, July 2023, 27-35.
_____ ‘“A Convenient Public Office Ought to be Provided”: La Trobe’s Government Offices, 1839 to 1854‘, Vol 19, No 3, November 2020, 5-12. Addendum, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 42-43.
_____ ‘Eliza Nelson and Dr John Singleton: incidents in the lives of two remarkable colonial memorialists’, Vol 17, No 3, November 2018, 24-32. Patent
_____ ‘Georgina Bell’s Journal: Mercantile life in Melbourne 1845 to 1860’, Vol 23, No 1, March 2024, 16-23.
_____ ‘Her Spirit was Indomitable: the letters of Penelope Selby’, Vol 21, No 3, November 2022, 14-23.
_____ ‘John Auchterlonie Creelman: a ship’s surgeon and colonial doctor, 1848 to 1894, Vol 24, No 1, March 2025, 7-18.
_____ ‘John Stuart Hepburn of Smeaton Hill’, Vol 21, No 1, March 2022, 29-36.
_____ ‘The Randolph: “a harbinger of evil”’, Vol 18, No 2, July 2019, 5-12.
_____ ‘The Reynolds Family: Cornish bounty emigrants of 1849’, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 32-39.
Forth, Gordon, ‘Charles La Trobe and the Winters of Tahara and Spring Valley/Murndal’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 22-25.
Gatehouse, Tim, ‘The American Ancestors of the La Trobe Family’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 46-51. Revisited, Vol 23, No 1, March 2024, 24-27.
_____ ’Banyule: one of Melbourne’s earliest homesteads’, Vol 21, No 1, March 2022, 37-44.
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe’s Moravian Heritage and its Impact on his Administration in Victoria’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 8-15.
_____ ‘“Charterisville”: the home of David Charteris McArthur’, Vol 20, No 1, March 2021, 39-44.
_____ ‘Edward Hulme: a lost Victorian artist’, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 22-30.
_____ ‘The English Career of the Architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe’, Vol 12, No1, March 2013, 39-48.
_____ ‘The Foster Family and its La Trobe Connections’, Vol 18, No 2, July 2019, 35-43.
_____ ‘The Harington Family Crested Dinner Plate: a research report’, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 43-45.
_____ ‘La Rose Estate, Pascoe Vale South: a research report’ – Farquhar McCrae, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 48-50.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Family in Ireland’ – research report, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 33-35.
_____ ‘Melbourne’s first Water Supply: the La Trobe Family’s contribution’, Vol 13, No 2, July 2014, 34-40.
_____ ‘‘Our First Class Light’: La Trobe and the Cape Otway Lighthouse’, Vol 16, No 3, November 2017, 15-27.
_____ ‘The Turkish La Trobe; the Career of Claude Alexandre de Bonneval, the Sultan’s Advisor at the Ottoman Court’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 46-53.
_____ ‘William Henry Foster: his life in Victoria’, Vol 18, No 3, November, 2019, 27-35.
_____ ‘Woodlands Homestead, Bulla’, Vol 22, No 3, November 2023, 23-31.
Gay, Catherine, ‘The La Trobe’s Cottage needlework samplers’, Vol 22, No 3, November 2023, 17-22.
Grant, James, ‘Mutual Society, Help and Comfort: Charles Joseph La Trobe and Charles Perry, 1848-1854’, Vol 7, No 2, August 2008, 7-16.
_____ ‘Soulmates: C J La Trobe and Charles Perry’, Vol 10, No 1, February 2011, 25-32.
Green, Ashleigh, ‘La Trobe and the Establishment of Yarra Bend Asylum (1848)’, Vol 23, No 2, July 2024, 5-14.
_____ ‘Law and Order under La Trobe: the first prisons of Port Phillip’, Vol 22, No 2, July 2023, 5-15.
Gregory, Patrick, ‘Dear Jolimont: a narrative’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 30-35.
Grehan, Madonna, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and the Regulation of Everyday Life: implementing the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act in Victoria, 1852-1858’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 14, No 2, July 2015, 6-15. Podcast
_____ ‘Safely thro’ her Confinement: bearing and rearing babies in nineteenth century Victoria’, Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 10-18.
Hancock, Marguerite, ‘The Life of Sophie La Trobe’, Vol 9, No 3, November 2010, 17-21. (Revised reprint).
_____ ‘The Life of Sophie La Trobe’, Vol 4, No 1, April 2006, 12-14.
_____ ‘ Miniature Mystery’ – portraits of Charles and Sophie La Trobe’s daughters, Vol 2, No 1, February 2004, 1-2.
Hare, Stephen, ‘National Trust announces 2006 as the Year of La Trobe’, Vol 3, No 2, September 2005, 2.
Hargraves, Marita, ‘C J La Trobe’s Season in Van Diemen’s Land’ – 1846/47, Vol 6, No 2, July 2007, 16-30.
Heale, Walter, ‘Arthur O’Mullane MD: pioneer physician Port Phillip District’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 36-41.
_____ ‘District Surgeon to Chief Medical Officer: pioneer public health practitioners in Port Phillip District’, Vol 17, No 3, November 2018, 15-23.
_____ ‘Edmund Charles Hobson: esteemed naturalist and physician, 1814-1848’, Vol 24, No 1, March 2025, 19-27.
_____ ‘Epidemics in Immigrant Ships arriving in Melbourne in the La Trobe Era’, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 5-12.
_____ ‘Registration of Medical Practitioners in the Port Phillip District’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 24-30.
_____ ‘Separation on the Horizon: the correspondence of Superintendent C J La Trobe in the last week in September 1850’, Vol 20, No 3, November 2021, 15-23.
Heathcote, Richard, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and the English Country House’, , 35-39.
_____ ‘Jolimont Revived: research into the La Trobe’s garden home’, Vol 1, No 1, March 2002, 3.
_____ ‘The La Trobes’ Jolimont Garden’, Vol 1, No 4, June 2003, 1-2.
Hill, Gregory, ‘Victoria’s Earliest Potteries’, Vol 21, No 3, November 2022, 24-27.
Hiscock, Peter McL. ‘La Trobe and his Horses – testing times’, Vol 17, No 3, November 2018, 5-14.
_____ ‘Patricius William Welsh: a man of high hopes and ambition’, Vol 20, No 1, March 2021, 30-38.
Hogan, Tim, ‘Resplendent Lights of Publicity and Despicable Journals: the Early Newspapers of the Port Phillip District’, Vol 10, No 2, June 2011, 35-40.
Holden, Colin, ‘A Musical Soul: the Impact of the Moravian Brethren on Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 10, No 1, February 2011, 13-18.
Holland, John, ‘Unveiling of a Commemorative Plaque at Cape Otway Lighthouse’ (1975) – organised by the La Trobe Centenary Commemoration Committee, Vol 5, No 1, August 2006, 10-11.
Home, R. W. ‘‘La Trobe’s Honest looking German’: Ferdinand Mueller and the Botanical Exploration of Gold-Rush Victoria’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012.
Houghton, Norman, ‘The Geelong Club; a Brief History of its Early Days’, Vol 12, No1, March 2013, 18-22.
Hubbard, Timothy, ‘James Henry La Trobe Bateman: the clergyman imprisoned in Carlisle Gaol’, Vol 23, No 3, November 2024, 17-28.
Hudson, Henry, ‘The Development of Port Phillip: a geological perspective’, Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 29-32.
Hughes, Bronwyn, ‘The Governor’s Window’ – the La Trobe Commemorative Window at the Chapelle de l’Ermitage, Neuchâtel, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 11-18.
Johnstone, Marion (ed.), ‘Cécile & Eleanora La Trobe’s Letter from Corcelles to Rose Pellet’, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 25-28.
Kearsey, Irene, ‘A Hidden Image of Charles Joseph La Trobe’ – a mosaic mural by Napier Waller, research report, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 41-42.
_____ ‘John Arthur: Melbourne’s first botanical gardener’, Vol 22, No 2, July 2023, 16-26.
_____ ‘John Dickson: “a possessor of numerous flocks” in La Trobe’s Port Phillip District’, Vol 18, No 2, July 2019, 13-23. Addendum, Vol 18, No 3, November 2019, 43-44.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s First Immigrants: the 1839 voyage of the David Clark’, Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 16-21.
Keeble, Willys, ‘Colonial Defence Forces in Victoria’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 32-39.
Kempster, Hugh, ‘Remembering Charles Joseph La Trobe’ – sermon delivered at St Peter’s Eastern Hill, 2 December 2018, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 5-7.
Kenny, Robert, ‘The Moravian Charles Joseph La Trobe’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 6, No 3, December 2007, 7-15.
Kirsop, Wallace, Kirsop, Wallace, ‘Books and Readers in La Trobe’s Melbourne’, Vol 18, No 3, November, 2019, 7-17.
_____ ‘Kingsborough’s Antiquities of Mexico: some notes on Australian-held sets’, Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 50-52. Additional link
Lack, Kate and Loreen Chambers, ‘Whitbourne and Whitbourne Court 1858-1866’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 15-27.
Land, Clare, ‘The haunting tale of Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner’, Vol 17, No 1, March 2018, 55-64.
Landmark, a sculpture of Charles Joseph La Trobe, Vol 3, No 2, September 2005, 3.
Landmark turns La Trobe on his head, Vol 4, No 1, April 2006, 16.
La Trobe, Charles Joseph – Transcripts
La Trobe Brick – hand-made brick from La Trobe’s Cottage, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 36.
Latrobe, Tim, ‘Austin Latrobe’ – motor car, Vol 1, No 2, August 2002, 5.
Lemon, Andrew, ‘The Fencer’s Manual and William Clarson: the publisher’s tale’, Vol 22, No 3, November 2023, 32-45.
_____ ‘The La Trobe era origins of Flemington Racecourse’, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 24-31.
_____ ‘La Trobe: Traveller, Writer, Governor, by John Barnes; a book review’ – History Publication Award in the 2017 Victorian Community History Awards, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 50-51. Additional link
Lemon, Andrew and Marjorie Morgan, ‘Superintendent La Trobe and the Cataraqui, Australia’s worst shipwreck’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 35-44. Additional link
Lesh, James, ‘Melbourne’s Famous Pet Dog: Larry La Trobe’, Vol 15, No 1, March 2016, 37-45.
Lewis, Mary, ‘ Charles Joseph La Trobe: Portrait in Oils’, Vol 2, No 3, November 2004, 2-5.
_____ ‘The Puzzle of the Portraits’, Vol 1, No 1, March 2002, 2-3.
Lewis, Miles, ‘Jolimont in Context’, Vol 9, No 1, February 2010, 2-12.
Lyell, Leon J., ‘Absent from the Ceremony: Freemasons and the founding of the University of Melbourne’, Vol 19, No 1, March 2020, 15-23.
McCann, Doug, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and the foundation of the Royal Society of Victoria’, Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 5-15.
MacDonald, Helen, ‘Henry Condell: Melbourne’s First Mayor’, Vol 9, No 1, February 2010, 14-17.
_____ ‘Inhabiting Melbourne, 1835-45: Henry Condell and other Early Settlers’, Vol 12, No 1, March 2013, 10-14.
Macdonald, Judy, ‘James Watson and ‘Flemington’: a Gentleman’s Estate’, Vol 8, No 3, November 2009, 21-25.
_____ ‘John “Howqua” Hunter and the China connection’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 24-31.
McIntosh, Andrew, ‘La Trobe’s Golden Testimonial’ (1853), Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 48-49. Image
Marsden, Anne, ‘Beyond the Public Gaze: the marriage of Caroline Bowles and James Simpson in pre-goldrush Melbourne’, Vol 19, No 3, November 2020, 37-44.
_____ ‘Enterprise and Endurance: glimpses into a nineteenth-century Wesleyan Methodist world’, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 24-31.
_____ ‘In Search of Sophie La Trobe and her Contemporary Women Settlers in pre-goldrush Port Phillip’, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 12-18.
_____ ‘A Wesleyan Methodist Missionary in the West Indies: some crossed paths with C J La Trobe’, Vol 21, No 2, July 2022, 30-36.
_____ ‘Women’s Autonomy within Marriage in early Melbourne’, Vol 21, No 3, November 2022, 28-33.
Martin, Jack, ‘The La Trobe Digitisation Project’ – a note, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 31.
_____ ‘La Trobe Society Digitisation Project at the Public Record Office Victoria’ – report, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 57-59.
_____ ‘Public Record Office Victoria/La Trobe Society Digitisation Project’ – progress report, Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 40-41.
Martin, Peter, ‘Another View from St George’s’ (Queenscliff), Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 25-28.
Metcalfe, Christopher, ‘’Farmer La Trobe’ at Clapham House’ (with John Barnes), Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 24-28.
Meyer, Roger, ‘St John’s La Trobe Street: a vanished church’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 36-42.
Millie, Eva, ‘The Letters of Charles Joseph La Trobe: a legacy to us’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 28-34.
Morgan, Marjorie and Andrew Lemon, ‘Superintendent La Trobe and the Cataraqui, Australia’s worst shipwreck’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 35-44.
Morgan, Patrick, ‘Swiss Families in Gippsland’. Vol 1, No 5, November 2003, 7-9.
Mullaly, Paul, ‘Crime in the Port Phillip District 1835-51’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 8, No 2, June 2009, 1-12. (This article regrettably contains scanning errors.)
Murphy, Anna, ‘In search of Three-Leaf Clovers: A Note on the Clover Glycine, Charles La Trobe and Threatened Species Recovery in Victoria’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 17-20.
Murphy, Jock, ‘Melbourne’s Banking Heritage’, Vol 21, No 2, July 2022, 24-29.
Murphy, Phyllis, ‘An Official Residence: La Trobe’s Cottage, the move to the Domain in 1961’, Vol 8, No 2, June 2009, 12-15. (This article regrettably contains scanning errors.)
Nash, Robert, ‘The Huguenot Background of Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 1, No 4, June 2003, 2-4.
National Museum of Australia, ‘Rose Pellet’s Embroidery Sampler: a research report’, Vol 9, No 1, February 2010, 32-33. Image
Niall, Brenda, ‘Georgiana McCrae and the La Trobe Friendship’, Vol 10, No 1, February 2011, 35-40.
Noone, Val, ‘From Charles La Trobe to Charles Gavan Duffy: selectors, squatters and aborigines’ – A. G. L. Shaw lecture, Vol 7, No 3, November 2008, 3-9.
O’Brien, Michael, ‘Charles La Trobe and Hugh Childers: the ladder of success in Victoria’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 19-22.
Park, Kenneth W, ‘The Intrepid Traveller: Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 8, No 3, November 2009, 8-10.
Pascal, Camille, ‘The La Trobe Arms and their History’, Vol 3, No 1, May 2005, 3-5.
Presland, Gary, ‘The Kulin People and the Failure of the Aboriginal Protectorate during the Superintendency of C J La Trobe’, Vol 16, No 1, March 2017, 5-13.
_____ ‘The Natural Environment of La Trobe’s Melbourne’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 35-42.
Priestley, Susan, ‘Boys and History: Litlington Visit 1951’, Vol 12, No 1, March 2013, 25-27.
_____ ‘Crises of 1852 for Lieutenant-Governor La Trobe, Captain William Dugdale and Henrietta Augusta Davies’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 39-45.
_____ ‘Down a La Trobe Alley – but is it blind?’ (letter from artist John Sell Cotman referring to ‘drawing master La Trobe’), Vol 1, No 4, June 2003, 5-6.
_____ ‘The Governor, the Superintendent and his Carriage’, Vol 19, No 3, November 2020, 22-25.
_____ ‘Impressions of Victoria, 1852: ‘a collection of everything from every place’’- Albert Purchas reporting from the colony, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 22-30.
_____ ‘The Jewish Community in Port Phillip and Victoria, 1838-1854’, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 14-23.
_____ ‘Jolimont Two Generations On’, Vol 5, No 1, August 2006, 3-4.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Candelabrum Centrepiece’ (1855), Vol 18, No 3, November, 2019, 36-42.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Dairy Farms’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 36-42.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Golden Testimonial’ (1853), Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 42-49.
_____ ‘The Lieutenant-Governor’s Goldfields Tours, 1851-1853’, Vol 20, No 1, March 2021, 5-18.
_____ ‘Mary Mitchell, a Port Phillip Virago’, Vol 21, No 3, November 2022, 34-42.
_____ ‘Melbourne Ladies in Community Work’, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 32-34.
_____ ‘Rediscovery of the Latrobe Nugget’ – research report, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 36-37. Image
_____ ‘Reflections on La Trobe’s gravestone’, Vol 23, No 2, July 2024, 36-37.
_____’Seeking 96 Victorian School Boys of 1951’ (attendees of a memorial service in Litlington on Victoria Day, 1 July 1951), Vol 1, No 2, August 2002, 2.
_____ ‘Tracing the Marine Residence at Mount Martha: a research report’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 21-24. Addionatil link
_____ ‘The Virtuoso and the Count: La Trobe and Pourtalès with Washington Irving 1832’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 46-55.
_____ ‘Whitbourne Court cross links: research report’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 46-48.
Pullman, Sandi, ‘Charles La Trobe and Ferdinand Mueller’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 21-24.
_____ ‘James Wentworth Davis, pioneer of Alberton, Gippsland: a research report’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 31-3.
Reeves, Simon, ‘The Walmsley House at Royal Park: La Trobe’s Other Cottage’, Vol 7, No 3, November 2008, 12-18.
Reilly, Dianne, ’An Anglo-Swiss Alliance: The Marriage of Charles Joseph La Trobe and Sophie de Montmollin of Neuchâtel’, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 19-24.
_____ ‘Books and Culture in La Trobe’s Melbourne’, Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 7-14.
_____ ‘A Brief History of the La Trobe Society’, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 38-41.
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe: Journeys and Excursions in Australia’, Vol 8, No 3, November 2009, 26-27.
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe: the Rambler in North America’, Vol 9, No 2, July 2010, 8-17.
_____ ‘Charles La Trobe in the Western District of Victoria’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 41-45.
_____ ‘Charlotte Pellet, 1800-1877, Housekeeper at Jolimont’, Vol 8, No 1, March 2009, 4-9.
_____ ’Charlotte Pellet’s Restored Grave’, Vol 8, No 2, June 2009, 17.
_____ ‘Christian Ignatius La Trobe’, Vol 1, No 3, February 2003, 3-4.
_____ ‘Correagh: Home of Wes and Cassie Rogers’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 20-21.
_____ ‘Duties of No Ordinary Difficulty: La Trobe’s goldfields management’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 7-16.
_____ ‘Exhibition: Early Melbourne Paintings’, Vol 12, No1, March 2013, 8-9.
_____ ‘A Family Legacy: Charles Albert La Trobe and his descendants’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 8-18.
_____ ‘Geelong – Places in the Footsteps of La Trobe’, Vol 12, No1, March 2013, 15-17.
_____ ‘“The High Ground”: Robert Russell, artist, architect and surveyor’, Vol 20, No 1, March 2021, 19-29.
_____ ‘Illuminating La Trobe’– illuminated address to mark the presentation of the bronze sculpture of La Trobe to the State Library of Victoria, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 5-6; image 11.
_____ ‘Kentish Ramblings: La Trobe rediscovers the picturesque English countryside’, Vol 17, No 3, November 2018, 33-44.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Clock: a research report’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 36-39.
_____ ‘The La Trobe Digitisation Project’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, p.48.
_____ ‘La Trobe on the Bellarine Peninsula’, Vol 11, No 1, February 2012, 7-14.
_____ ‘La Trobe University – Occasional Address’. Graduation ceremony, 27 April 2007, Vol 6, No 2, July 2007, 31-34.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Discovery of Cape Otway’, Vol 4, No 1, April 2006, 10-12.
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Grand Tour’, Vol 8, No 3, November 2009, 2-7.
_____ ‘The Latrobe/La Trobe Family Name’ – research report (with Helen Armstrong), Vol 12, No 3, November 2013, 31-32.
_____ ‘Letters from Victorian Pioneers to Governor La Trobe, 1853’, Vol 17, No 1, March 2018, 40-54.
_____ ‘My Dear Mr La Trobe…’ – Frances Perry letters (1855), Vol 7, No 2, August 2008, 16-19.
_____ ‘Neuchâtel in the Nineteenth Century’, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 6-10.
_____ ‘150th Anniversary of La Trobe’s Departure from Victoria’, Vol 2, No 3, November 2004, 1-2.
_____ ‘Patrick Bonaventure Geoghegan OSF (1805-1864): pioneering Catholic priest’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 16-26.
_____ ‘Peter Corlett, OAM’, Vol 9, No 2, July 2010, 28-30.
_____ ‘S. T. Gill, the Artist of the Goldfields’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 50-52.
_____ ‘Swiss Connections of Governor La Trobe’, Vol 6, No 3, December 2007, 16-23.
_____ ‘Two Gentlemen of Melbourne Town: Charles Joseph La Trobe and Redmond Barry’, Vol 13, No 2, July 2014, 14-24.
_____ ‘Unravelling La Trobe’s Australian Notes’, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 16-18. Flyer
_____ ‘Victoria’s Parliament’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 5-9.
_____ ‘Walking on Water: Melbourne, the Yarra River, its punts, ferries and bridges’, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 38-49.
_____ ‘Warrayure and Mount Sturgeon Plains’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 34-36.
Reynolds, Sue, ‘La Trobe’s other library: Charles La Trobe, Redmond Barry and the Library of the Supreme Court of Victoria’, Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 19-26.
Richards, Rosemary, ‘Georgiana McCrae and her ‘Favorite’ Music’, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 13-20.
_____ ‘Hidden Treasures: the McCrae Family Library’, Vol 23, No 3, November 2024, 29-35.
Riddett, Robyn, ‘Jolimont: Three Sides of a Square – London Squares’, Vol 1, No 5, November 2003, 3-6.
Riddett, Robyn and Fay Woodhouse, ‘Jolimont Square Revisited’, Vol 2, No 2, June 2004, 9-11.
Roberts, Bev, ‘A Black Apron View of History? Anne Drysdale & Caroline Newcomb, Victoria’s ‘Lady Squatters’’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 9, No 3, November 2010, 2-16.
Romanov-Hughes, Alexander, ‘La Trobe’s History of Victoria: a research report’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 35-38.
Ross, Daryl, ‘Adolphe de Meuron, Swiss Pioneer: a research report’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 39-41.
_____ ‘Captain William Hobson: the man who would be Governor’, Vol 19, No 2, July 2020, 38-47.
_____ ‘La Chapelle de l’Ermitage, Neuchâtel’ – memorial chapel built by Rose Isabelle La Trobe, Vol 15, No 1, March 2016, 20-27.
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe in Neuchâtel: Montmirail to Jolimont’, Vol 15, No 2, July 2016, 22-28.
_____ ‘Letters from Victorian Pioneers: book review’, Vol, 9, No 3, November 2010, 40-42. Ebook Contents About.
_____ ‘Les Squatters australiens: book review, Vol 12, No 2, July 2013, 29-30.
Rushen, Liz, ‘The Bishop and the Lieutenant-Governor’, Vol 22, No 1, March 2023, 27-35.
_____ ‘Garryowen: the voice of early Melbourne’, with coverage of Separation ― A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 18, No 3, November, 2019, 18-26.
Sale, Peter W, ‘Feeding the Colony ― feeding the World’, Vol 13, No 2, July 2014, 27-33.
Sandy, Craig, ‘Land Surveying in the La Trobe era: its impacts on Victoria today’, Vol 21, No 2, July 2022, 14-23.
Shaw, A G L, ‘C J La Trobe: La Trobe Society Inaugural Address’, Vol 1, No 1, March 2002, 1-2.
_____ ‘The Role of Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria’, Vol 1, No 3, February 2003, 1-2.
Shaw, Davydd, ‘Edward Byam Wight: enterprising pioneer in the Port Phillip District’, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 32-39.
Sherlock, Peter, ‘Religious Belief and Practice in Early Melbourne’, Vol 10, No 1, February 2011, 7-12.
Smith, Simon, ‘Law, Lawyers and La Trobe‘– A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 5-13.
Stephens, Marguerita, ‘Unless a Portion be given to the Idle: the Kulin and the New Poor Law at Port Phillip’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 16, No 1, March 2017, 41-51. podcast
Taylor, Neil, ‘Why La Trobe’s vision must prevail at Point Nepean’, Vol 1, No 3, February 2003, 5.
Thiele, Frances, ‘La Trobe and the Aboriginal People: A Challenging Relationship’ Edward Stone Parker of the Loddon Protectorate, address given at The Australian Club, 7 December 2007, Vol 7, No 1, February 2008, 7-14. Additional article, Ebook: contents
_____ ‘ La Trobe Society Fellowship – Interim Report’, Vol 8, No 1, March 2009, 10-11.
Thompson, John, ‘Geoffrey Serle and the writing of The Golden Age’, Vol 10, No 3, November 2011, 25-34.
Thompson, Murray, ‘La Trobe’s Melbourne: the city of Man, the city of God’, Vol 15, No 1, March 2016, 6-13.
Torney, Kate, ‘La Trobe Society Gala Celebration’ – twentieth anniversary, Vol 20, No 2, July 2021, 35-37.
Towns, Deborah, ‘To Be Good? Educating Girls in the La Trobe era’, Vol 23, No 1, March 2024, 5-15.
Tyrrell, Allan, ‘Austin Latrobe Motor Cars’, Vol 1, No 3, February 2003, 4.
Vale, Anne. ‘A Journey through Garden History’, Vol 18, No 2, July 2019, 44-47.
Wallace, Bernard, ‘Charles La Trobe, the Hentys and Victoria’s South West’, Vol 11, No 2, June 2012, 26-33.
_____ ‘The Enlightened Administrator and the Martinet Magistrate: Charles Joseph La Trobe and James Blair’, Vol 13, No 1, March 2014, 13-20.
Waugh, John, ‘A Monstrous Anomaly: La Trobe and the Legislature’, Vol 6, No 2, July 2007, 8-9.
Waugh, Max, ‘‘A Beautiful Site for a Town’: Governor Sir Richard Bourke and the establishment of the Port Phillip Settlement 1835-1837’, Vol 17, No 2, July 2018, 33-41.
_____ ‘The Beginnings of Education in the Port Phillip District’, Vol 5, No 1, August 2006, 5-9.
Webber, Monique, ‘La Trobe’s Garden City and the Lost Sculptures of Fitzroy Gardens’ – report of the La Trobe Society/State Library Victoria Fellowship 2017-2018, Vol.20, Supplement, December 2021, 3-51, Images
_____ ‘La Trobe’s Garden City and the Lost Sculptures of Fitzroy Gardens’ – address given at the C J La Trobe Society annual general meeting 1 August 2018 at the Lyceum Club, Melbourne, Vol 18, No 1, March 2019, 8-11.
Whitmore, Sylvia, ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe and Contemporary Scientific Issues: mastodons, extinctions and the age of the earth’, Vol 15, No 3, November 2016, 10-16.
_____ ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe’s Adventure in Mexico in 1834’, Vol 14, No 3, November 2015, 5-13.
_____ ‘La Trobe, Lord Kingsborough and the nine magnificent volumes of the Antiquities of Mexico’, Vol 16, No 3, November 2017, 39-46. Additional link
Wilkie, Douglas, ‘Riding with the Superintendent: a second Mrs McCrae’ – with coverage of Separation celebrations, Vol 20, No 3, November 2021, 24-33.
_____ ‘Ten Thousand Fathoms Deep: Charles Joseph La Trobe’s decision to postpone gold exploitation until after Separation’, Vol 14, No 1, March 2015, 6-14.
Wilson, Jane, ‘Charles La Trobe’s Contribution to the Establishment of the Horticultural Gardens at Burnley: research report’, Vol 11, No 3, November 2012, 37-38.
Woodhouse, Fay, ‘Charles Robb’s Sculpture of Charles Joseph La Trobe’, Vol 3, No 3, November 2005, 2-3.
_____ ‘Creating the Mould – a conversation with Peter Corlett’, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 6-12.
_____ ‘Jolimont: Three Side of a Square – Jolimont, Creating the Square’, Vol 2, No 1, February 2004, 2-5.
_____ ‘Jolimont Square Revisited’ (with Robyn Riddett), Vol 2, No 2, June 2004, 9-11.
_____ ‘La Trobe in South Gippsland’- annotated transcription of an 1845 journey, Vol 4, No 1, April 2006, 3-7. Map Letter, 6 April 1845 (For another transcription, see Reilly, Dianne, ed., Charles Joseph La Trobe: Australian Notes 1839-1854, pp.128-133.)
_____ ‘A La Trobe in 21st Century Melbourne – Charles La Trobe Blake Down-under’, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 5.
_____ ‘La Trobe sites: a review’, Vol 13, No 3, November 2014, 45-47.
_____ ‘Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) – Dr Dianne Reilly’, Vol 7, No 1, February 2008, 15.
_____ ‘A Most Companionable and Lively Man: Christian Ignatius La Trobe (1758-1836), Vol 10, No 2, June 2011, 31-34.
_____ ‘Not Merely the Magistrate but the Principal Officer of the Government: William Lonsdale and the Development of Early Melbourne, 1836-1854’, Vol 19, No 3, November 2020, 13-21.
_____ ‘Politics, Power and Passion: Port Phillip before the gold rush’, Vol 16, No 2, July 2017, 12-21.
_____ ‘Post-Script for Melbourne: Art Work 150 Years in the Making’ – Installation using text of a La Trobe letter dated 19 October 1839, Vol 2, No 2, June 2004, 7-9.
_____ ‘Surveying the Landscape: Robert Russell, Robert Hoddle and the First Plan of Melbourne’, Vol 16, No 3, November 2017, 6-14.
_____ ‘Unveiling of the La Trobe Statue’, Vol 6, No 1, March 2007, 5.
_____ ‘Winemaking in Central Victoria: the pre-history of Tahbilk’, Vol 10, No 2, June 2011, 41-45.
Yule, Peter, ‘The Barristers of the Port Phillip District, 1839-1851’ – A G L Shaw lecture, Vol 21, No 2, July 2022, 5-13.